Ways to keep Spiders out of your bed
1) Why do I have spiders in my house?
Spiders weave their webs in quiet places, sheltered from the wind and the elements such as the roofs, the cracks of the walls or the uninhabited places. They feed on insects such as moths and mosquitoes. In autumn, the cold arrives and the food is lacking, it is the moment when the spiders enter the houses to take shelter. In addition, spiders breed by laying eggs in cocoons between May and June. After their outbreaks, the young spiders in turn seek a new place to colonize…
2) What if I find a spider?
This means that it is warm and warm in your home and that it will deliver you from all the insects you do not see. Do not kill it! If you want to get rid of it, cover it with a glass to imprison it, then grab it with a disposable tissue and throw it out the window or into your garden. The most radical solution is to flush it down the toilet and flush it out…
3) Should I be afraid of spiders?
No, because most of the time these little animals don’t attack humans. Spiders have eight legs and a two-part body, so they are not part of the insect family but part of the arachnid family. Globally, there are about 35,000 different species of spiders, including as many as 1,500 in France. They are not dangerous, it is usually an irrational fear, due to their unpleasant physique. Most of the bites that can be sustained come from mosquitoes, wasps and hornets, or ants but much more rarely spiders. Moreover, the amount of venom they could inject us is minute and does not constitute a danger to humans. This is not the case in countries other than France, of course.
4) How to eliminate spiders?
This little arachnid loves tranquility and sees with a very bad eye that one systematically destroys his painting. When making the dust, carefully remove all the canvases by focusing on the ceilings, corners of the walls, green plants, windows, shutters, spaces between the railings. In short, places you don’t go often. Their preferred terrain is the dry and uninhabited places such as cellars, attics, abandoned premises, etc.. Vacuum under furniture, on the floor, and generally on all textiles such as curtains and carpets that are food sources.
5) How can spiders escape?
It seems that spiders leak the smell of chestnuts and chestnut wood. Pick up a few chestnuts with their bugs, cut the fruit in half and place them in the corners of your house. Alternatively, arrange chestnut branches near your windows. More accessible in town, use chestnut extract (sold in organic stores) which is a very effective repellent against spiders. Without danger to people or animals, it is not an insecticide, spiders are not killed but do not return. Spray spiders at the crossing points: baseboards, door and window towers, cracks, back of household appliances.