Home Remedies for a Toothache
Pain is the way our body tells us something is wrong. You may have injured a muscle in your back by lifting a heavy object, or you may have accidentally burned your hand when cooking. If you’ve ever had sore teeth, you probably know it’s an unpleasant experience. In case you cannot get immediate dental care, you can try some home pain remedies.
Causes of Toothache :
Unfortunately, there are many reasons why our teeth may hurt. Worn tooth enamel or retracted gums can expose dentin, which is the layer of hard tissue underneath the tooth enamel. This can make your teeth sensitive to hot and cold liquids as well as sugary drinks.
Cavities are another common cause of pain. Once the sensitive nerves of your teeth have been exposed, something as simple as biting something hard can be painful.
If you bit something too hard, you could have a chipped tooth. A blow during an accident can also damage the tooth. A sufficiently severe fracture can leave exposed delicate dental nerves that are very deep.
Sometimes dental work done to solve one problem can cause another. Restorations and crowns can loosen or break, which can cause dental pain.
Your first impulse to relieve dental pain could be a cold compress or an over-the-counter pain reliever. However, there are other remedies you can try.
Oil of cloves
Clove oil is used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation caused by dental pain. Clove oil works because it contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It acts as a temporary pain reliever. Pour a few drops of clove oil over a piece of cotton and use to gently rub the affected gums and teeth.
Clove oil may relieve your pain, but keep in mind that it does not taste very pleasant.
Saltwater mouthwash
Try rinsing your mouth with warm water and salt if your tooth hurts and your gums are swollen. Just add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of warm water. Once you’ve rinsed your mouth a bit with the mixture, spit it out.
Note that a study published in the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry concluded that salt-filled water mouthwashes can also help control plaque buildup in the teeth and prevent oral diseases.
Mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide
Like saltwater, oxygenated water can relieve pain and inflammation in the mouth. It can also help kill bacteria, reduce plaque, and heal bleeding gums. A study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry showed that the use of oxygenated water as mouthwash can help relieve gingivitis.
Before using this mouthwash, be sure to prepare the solution correctly. Mix a portion of 3% oxygenated water with an equal portion of water. Use the solution to rinse your mouth, but do not swallow it.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil has long been used to treat toothaches, according to the Arab Journal of Chemistry. This essential oil has antibacterial properties that can reduce tooth pain, making it a popular choice for those seeking quick pain relief while getting professional dental care. Use a piece of cotton to apply a few drops of oil to the affected surface.
Remember that home remedies for toothache only offer temporary relief. Do not stop talking to your dentist if you have a toothache, as it can help you perform a thorough dental exam to discover the real cause of the problem and find a solution.