Arm strength training program

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Who does not dream of a program to have big arms? Here are our tips to know how to strengthen your arms effectively.

For small muscle groups, for this arm strength training program, the routines must be short and intense.

15 to 20 minutes per muscle is sufficient, 2 times per week maximum.

What is the program to strengthen your arms? The triceps is a bigger muscle than the biceps, so it can be used more. So we can create a routine of 3 exercises for triceps and 2 exercises for biceps.

Exercises for triceps:

Reclining Forehead EZ Bar: Lying on a bench, feet on the ground, in the starting position arms extended in front of you, bring the bar towards the forehead by moving only the forearms.
4 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

High Bar Pronation Pulley: standing facing the pulley grasp the bar, bent elbows and pull it down when extending the elbows, keeping the elbows together.4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

Pulley high rope neutral grip: standing, feet apart from the width of the hips, grasp the rope and pull down, when extending the elbows, elbows tight along the body.

4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

Exercises for biceps:

Curl EZ bar: Standing at the desk, arm shoulder width, grab the bar supine and curl at the EZ bar, without taking off the elbows.

4 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

Bench Dumbbell Sitting Curl 90°: Sitting on a bench, parallel arms, supported at the desk, dumbbell in each hand, bend arms up towards your forehead.

4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.